Saturday, February 7, 2009

notes from the mtg

k i didn't take notes. but here is what i remember, so we can get on the same page.
btw yay @ tim and tucson for updating!

POTLUCK on FEBRUARY 28th (not 21st); 5-9
- still at sunset, but need a chaperone!!!
- plan for around 40-50 people, as opposed to 70.
- lowell and wash: ask around, see if one person from your school is willing to share their testimony at the rally. email us when you get one person confirmed.
- leaders, show up 3:30-4 for set up!
- remind people from your school to figure out their rides home beforehand!
- daniela is in charge of name tags (should have raffle # and colors to split up groups)
- schedule: intro by MC, dinner/raffle, games, worship, testimonies, worship, end

- we need to meet somewhere. email when you know that we can use your house!
- we'll plan for the rally and work on getting a speaker.

- looking into getting ernest's (sfcbc) building in the richmond
- swat + games + hang out and fellowship

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